About Us

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  • The Strategic Policy and Analytics Branch

    The Strategic Policy and Analytics (SPA) Branch provides analysis, advice, liaison and policy development on energy issues, which require consultation with other provincial ministries and levels of government. The branch also provides central strategic policy advice for the ministry and works to promote policy integration and coordination.

  • The Analytics and Finance Division

    The Analytics and Finance (AnF) Division manages the GIS, mapping and testing out innovative tools. The softwares we use --- ArcGIS, PowerBI, R, D3.

  • SPA Structure

    Strategic Policy and Analytics (SPA) has three work units that collaboratively work together to achieve SNAP and Ministry objectives:

    Strategic Policy and Research (SPR): Policy files include climate change adaptation and exporting Ontario's energy expertise. Conducts research projects and provides Cabinet liaison service for all Ministry divisions.

    Analytics and Finance (A&F): Provides a number of services to branches across the Ministry including mapping, data visualization and analytics, and design thinking.

    Social Finance Practice (SFP): Conducts specialised financial modelling, risk analyses, and research. Provides financial advice for a variety of Indigenous and funding-related files across the Ministry.

    Members from each unit provide coordination for development of the 2017 Long-Term Energy Plan.